Darling Cellars Gustus Chenin Blanc
Did you know ‘translated from Latin ‘gustus’ means ‘taste’ and this is what this wine is all about.
Wine with multiple layers of fresh green apple, guava, quince and yellow ripe peaches.
Ideal pairing partners are trout, sushi or fresh line fish, roasted chicken and vegetables or a creamy chicken pasta dish.
Did you know ‘translated from Latin ‘gustus’ means ‘taste’ and this is what this wine is all about.
Wine with multiple layers of fresh green apple, guava, quince and yellow ripe peaches.
Ideal pairing partners are trout, sushi or fresh line fish, roasted chicken and vegetables or a creamy chicken pasta dish.
Did you know ‘translated from Latin ‘gustus’ means ‘taste’ and this is what this wine is all about.
Wine with multiple layers of fresh green apple, guava, quince and yellow ripe peaches.
Ideal pairing partners are trout, sushi or fresh line fish, roasted chicken and vegetables or a creamy chicken pasta dish.
Further details
Current Vintage: 2020
Region/Country: Swartland / South Africa
Awards: None yet
Bar Codes:
Bottle: 8 36206 004142
Case: 8 36206 004159
For all enquiries, please contact us
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